Divorce can certainly turn your existing world upside down. Not only are you dealing with the legal and financial aspects of the divorce process, but you’re also attempting to come to terms with the realization that your marriage is over and your life is undoubtedly going to change as a result. It can be easy […]
Divorce in California Division of Assets
In a divorce, there are two main types of division of assets laws: community property and equitable distribution. Since California is a community property state, the court will split all assets and debts acquired…
Steps to Getting a Divorce in California
If you are thinking about getting a divorce in California, there is a lot to consider. From finances and property to children and the emotional stress of a separation, the entire process can get overwhelming fast. Every divorce is unique, but there are essentially three stages to a divorce and certain steps…
Private Judge Divorce
Kanye and Kim could claim residency in California, so if they did proceed to divorce, what would likely happen? And what would we ever know? It appears that Kim and Kanye also have a prenuptial agreement, though we may never know for…
Gaslighting: The Narcissist’s Favorite Weapon
Gaslighting is particularly common If you are in a relationship with or married to a narcissist, but this particular tactic is not limited to narcissists. Anyone in a relationship with someone who uses gaslighting is all too familiar…
Conservatorship vs Guardianship in a California Divorce
In California, the need for a guardianship or conservatorship can add another level of complexity to a divorce. While the two terms are often used interchangeably, they are actually two different kinds…
What Is No Fault Divorce?
California is a no fault divorce state, meaning that neither party needs to have a basis for a divorce other than that the parties simply no longer get along. In California, a divorce is typically based on nothing more than “irreconcilable differences.” California was the first state to allow no fault divorce, beginning in […]
Divorcing a Narcissist
To an individual who suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder -a narcissist – a divorce is the ultimate injury to their perceived value and esteem – even more so if the spouse left them, which is what typically happens. Most spouses married to a narcissist feel lonely, anxious, or depressed in the marriage, and do not […]
Berkeley Family Law Court System – Filing for Divorce
Berkeley does not have its own Family Court. If you want to file for divorce and you live in Berkeley, which is in Alameda County, you will have to file your documents at the Alameda County Courthouse, which is now in Hayward. There are a few steps to take when filing your divorce. First, if […]
Divorcing a Toxic Spouse: Narcissism Makes a Terrible Divorce Worse
Divorce is already complicated and emotionally exhausting. Divorcing a narcissist almost guarantees that your divorce will be more complicated, litigious and exhausting than probably anyone else you know. How Can You Tell if Your Spouse is a Narcissist? While narcissists are often portrayed as grand figures – Donald Trump, for example, or many sports figures […]